Blog date: 9/20/21


  This amazing experience started when I presented a concert in West Berlin a couple of days before the Wall came down.

  Before the concert, I dedicated the concert to peace between East and West Berlin and especially asked the audience to focus their love and energy on sending love and peace to East Berlin and to visualize one United Berlin without walls.

  I never eat before a live concert, so after the concert I was so hungry and only a few restaurants were open around that time 11pm.  One was an East Indian restaurant not far from the famous Brandenburg Gate.  There were four of us from the concert during that meal.  After our meal, we started to drive back to where we were staying.  I remember passing an ominous Fortress like Gate with bright lights and when we passed it I immediately asked the driver to please turn the car around and to park near that gate.  I was gifted with a bunch of beautiful roses and an orchid plant.  I asked my friends could they please put these flowers on top of the wall.  At first they were hesitant telling me that this was dangerous and that there were armed guards in the high towers which we could see from the wall.  I said we aren’t going to climb over the wall, I simply want to place the flowers as an offering on top of the wall which was about 12 feet high.

   I hoisted up one of the taller guys on my shoulders and he was able to place both flowers from the concert on top of the wall.

Once the flowers were on top of the wall, I then extended my arms in benediction and said the following out loud:
‘This is a moment in history this planet will never forget” I said that twice.  My other 3 friends were witnessed to all this.

Then I prayed for peace and that East Berlin will receive the blessings of the Masters and once again be free. I felt the presence of the Masters and John Lennon very close to me like he was standing behind me in total support and love.

  The next day, my flight back to US was a long one and I was exhausted when I arrived home in Ashland Oregon. I was so jet lagged,  I just couldn’t fall asleep so I turned on the radio around 3 am and within seconds I hear an announcement “Breaking News: The Berlin Wall is down. People are celebrating and all of Berlin is in a euphoric state.”  I couldn’t believe this, so I called my friend Simone, who organized my Berlin Concert and she immediately confirmed: “Yes, it’s true. We’re all celebrating.”

  I too was euphoric and couldn’t believe this incredible event… and found out that the first place the wall came down was literally right where the flowers were placed. That was the first spot where the wall was being torn down, and the rest was history.

  Before I heard the radio news, I was so exhausted and thinking to myself:  ”I don’t think doing these small concerts is worth it anymore for 50-100 people, when so much of the physical part of shlepping the equipment around, setting up, dismantling the equipment, etc. and the long flights were exhausting and was it really worth it?”

  After I heard the radio announcement and after processing this information, I heard an inner voice clearly saying to me:

“Do not underestimate the efficacy of what Spirit can bring through you even when there are just a few people present.”

  The Berlin event changed my life forever. It gave me not only hope but PROOF that Spirit and the Masters in their infinite wisdom and Grace can work miracles. 

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